Gail Pellerin 从 1993 年到 2020 年 12 月退休,一直担任圣克鲁斯县的首席选举官员。作为县文员,Gail 管理该县进行的所有选举并担任民事婚姻专员。 Gail 拥有 35 年的公共服务经验——在萨克拉门托的州议会工作超过 7 年,包括在代表摩根希尔的议会办公室工作,并为圣克鲁斯县人民工作了 27 年。 In June 2018, Gail was elected to her 4th term as County Clerk.
Gail 于 2010 年至 2012 年担任加州文员和选举官员协会主席,并担任国务卿投票无障碍咨询委员会联合主席。 她毕业于加州专业选举管理员证书计划,并就具有特定需求和预算的选民教授证书课程。她也是领导圣克鲁斯县的毕业生。
作为县文员,盖尔一直是同性婚姻的坚定倡导者,并于 2009 年 8 月获得美国公民自由联盟圣克鲁斯县分会颁发的正义之锤奖以及圣克鲁斯县监事会的公告圣克鲁斯市表彰她对社区的服务,包括她在婚姻平等问题上的工作。 2010年,她获得了圣克鲁斯县残疾人委员会的荣誉奖,2020年,盖尔获得了圣克鲁斯县商会的终身(遗产)成就奖。_cc781905-5cde -3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ 2021 年,议员马克·斯通 (Mark Stone) 将盖尔 (Gail) 评为加州立法妇女核心小组的年度女性,以表彰在社区中发挥非凡作用的女性。 今年, Gail 因其作为 2022 年加州共同事业的民主英雄的工作而获得荣誉,她 50 多年来一直在争取投票权、重新划分改革、政府透明度,并确保民主包括每个人。
Gail received the Hammer of Justice Award from the Santa Cruz County Chapter of the ACLU in 2009 as well as proclamations from the Santa Cruz County Board of Supervisors and City of Santa Cruz honoring her service to the community. In 2010, she received the Kudos Award from the Santa Cruz County Commission on Disabilities, and in 2020, Gail received the Lifetime (Legacy) Achievement Award from the Santa Cruz County Chamber of Commerce. In 2021, Assemblymember Mark Stone honored Gail as a Woman of the Year by the California Legislative Women’s Caucus, recognizing women who are making an extraordinary difference in their communities. In 2022, Gail was honored for her work as a 2022 Democracy Hero by California Common Cause who has been fighting for voting rights, redistricting reform, government transparency, and to ensure that democracy includes everyone for over 50 years.
Gail has served on the board of NAMI (National Alliance on Mental Illness) and was involved with Girls Inc. and Women’s Educational Success at Cabrillo College. She participated in the process of creating the Cabrillo College Local Government Fellows program, to encourage first generation students to pursue an education that can lead to a career in local government and to provide scholarships and paid internships and mentorships. She has also been active with Emily’s List, Breaking the Glass Ballot and WILDR (Women in Leadership for Diverse Representation), organizations dedicated to increasing the number of elected and appointed women in local, regional and state offices. Gail was involved with the California Democratic Party’s Voter Protection Committee and Civitas Public Affairs to advocate for the Election Infrastructure Initiative to provide for long-term, sustainable federal funding for local elections offices. Gail has been an outspoken advocate for suicide prevention awareness and mental health resources after her husband, Tom, died by suicide on November 19, 2018.
Gail has a BS in Journalism from Cal Poly, San Luis Obispo. Prior, Gail had worked for the State Legislature, as a campaign assistant to political campaigns, newspaper reporter and photographer, and community college instructor.
In her spare time, Gail enjoys going to the beach with her labradoodle Darwin and spending time with her two adult children Jacob and Emily.
